An aseptic filling system for paper packaging

based on new concepts that can be filling with

particles, long fibers and high viscous products.

The origin of the name "NSATOM"

 N    S   A     TO      M

 Nippon - Shikoku Aseptic Total Optimized Method

The name was created by taking the initials of the method rendered in English to incorporate the concept of an aseptic filling system optimized for paper package that was developed by Nippon Paper Industries and Shikoku Kakoki.

Features of the Paper Packages

1. Package for particles, long fibers and

  high viscous products

2. Highly eye catching

Suitable for smoothies, soups,

vegetable juices etc.

Differentiation by unique shape and

corner panel

3. Portability4. Easy opening

Resealable with application of a closure,

offering portability

Easy opening with an one-step opening closure

5. Easy pouring6. Three volume variations

Positioning of new shape and closure

improves pouring

Three volume variations

(200ml, 250ml and 300ml)

Features of the Filling Machines

1. High levels of hygiene

Incorporating double clean zones

and a sterilize unit with a 6 log reduction*1

*1 log reduction

log reduction is a figure indicating the sterilizing ability

of packaging materials needed for aseptic filling. 6 log

reduction, for example, means that for an initial bacterial

count of 106, bacteria are reduced to less than 1.

The global standard for commercial aseptic filling is at

least 5 log reduction, but Japanese customers demand

the more stringent 6 log reduction, and "NSATOM"

targeted to meets this level.

2. Labor-saving

3. IoT technology is utilized

to support maintenance services

An automated cleaning feature for filling

sections adapted to reduce filling operator


Remote assistance is possible

by monitoring the operation status.

※Please note that the contents of this page are based on current specifications and are subject to change without notice. (19th September, 2018)